Doors &

Fibreglass vs. Steel Entry Doors: A Comprehensive Guide

Selecting the right entry door for your home is a crucial decision that affects not only the aesthetics of your property but also its security and energy efficiency. Homeowners often find themselves weighing the pros and cons of fibreglass and steel doors. This article aims to provide a detailed comparison to help you make an informed choice.

Durability & Maintenance

Known for their longevity, fibreglass doors resist warping, denting, and rusting. They handle harsh weather conditions well, making them ideal for a variety of climates. Maintenance is minimal; they typically just need occasional cleaning with mild soap and water. The quality of fibreglass can vary, with higher-end models offering better resistance to fading and cracking.

Steel doors are incredibly strong, offering a high level of security. However, they are prone to dents and scratches, which can lead to rust if not repaired promptly. In coastal areas, steel doors may corrode due to salt air, requiring more frequent maintenance. For homeowners in Saskatoon, this would not be an issue. Additionally, modern steel doors often have a coating or finish for additional resistance to scratching and rusting, and those with a higher gauge are more durable in extreme weather.

Aesthetics & Customization

There is a significant degree of flexibility in how both fibreglass and steel doors can be customized. However, there may be limitations based on the specific properties of the materials. For example, intricate designs might be more feasible with fibreglass due to its molding capabilities, which is why fibreglass doors are exceptional at mimicking the look of natural wood. Similarly, the weight and structural properties of steel might influence the design options available for steel doors.

Gentek fibreglass door
GenTek’s premium fibreglass doors are available in finishes that closely resembles various wood types.

Energy Efficiency

Fibreglass is an excellent insulator. Most fibreglass doors feature a foam core, which provides additional insulation. This helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and potentially lowering energy costs.

While steel naturally conducts heat more than fibreglass, high-quality steel doors are designed with thermal breaks and insulated with polyurethane foam to minimize heat transfer. However, it’s important to note that in extreme climates, the surface of a steel door might still become hot or cold to the touch.

Regardless of the material, if a door is Energy Star certified, it has been rigorously assessed and verified for energy efficiency. This certification provides homeowners with assurance of the door’s performance in conserving energy, regardless of whether it is made of fibreglass or steel.


While offering reasonable security, fibreglass doors are not as strong as steel. Enhanced security can be achieved with reinforced lock areas and advanced locking mechanisms. On the other hand, steel is considered the most secure option for exterior doors. The strength of the door frame and the quality of locks and hardware also contribute to overall security.

GenTek high performance steel doors
Not only are GenTek’s high performance steel doors strong, they are also Energy Star certified.


Fibreglass doors are typically more expensive than steel doors, but they may offer better long-term value due to their durability and low maintenance requirements. In contrast, steel doors are usually more budget-friendly initially, though they may incur additional maintenance costs, especially in harsher climates. Ultimately, the final price of both fibreglass and steel doors depends on the manufacturer, level of customization, and specific design features.

Fibreglass vs Steel Entry Doors: How to Choose

Choosing between fibreglass and steel entry doors ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as aesthetics, maintenance, security, and cost. Both types of doors can be Energy Star certified, ensuring energy efficiency, and offer a wide range of customization options. Opt for fibreglass if minimal maintenance and an authentic wood look are your priorities. Choose steel if your utmost concern is security or if you are looking for a more cost-effective option. Regardless of your choice, both fibreglass and steel doors provide excellent insulation, durability, and can significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal.